Based on the popular movie, this hit Nickelodeon series chronicles the further fun-filled adventures of brainy boy scientist Jimmy Neutron. Join Jimmy as he invents hilarious trouble in the town of Retroville with the help of his robotic dog Goddard and an assortment of wacky friends and family. Voiced by Debi Derryberry, Jeffrey Garcia, Rob Paulsen, Carolyn Lawrence, Mark DeCarlo, Frank Welker, and Andrea Martin.61 episodes on 10 discs. Standard; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English.
Based on the popular movie, this hit Nickelodeon series chronicles the further fun-filled adventures of brainy boy scientist Jimmy Neutron. Join Jimmy as he invents hilarious trouble in the town of Retroville with the help of his robotic dog Goddard and an assortment of wacky friends and family. Voiced by Debi Derryberry, Jeffrey Garcia, Rob Paulsen, Carolyn Lawrence, Mark DeCarlo, Frank Welker, and Andrea Martin.61 episodes on 10 discs. Standard; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English.
Based on the popular movie, this hit Nickelodeon series chronicles the further fun-filled adventures of brainy boy scientist Jimmy Neutron. Join Jimmy as he invents hilarious trouble in the town of Retroville with the help of his robotic dog Goddard and an assortment of wacky friends and family. Voiced by Debi Derryberry, Jeffrey Garcia, Rob Paulsen, Carolyn Lawrence, Mark DeCarlo, Frank Welker, and Andrea Martin.61 episodes on 10 discs. Standard; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English.